Cut Painting!

Works by Martijn Sandberg are on view in his exhibition ‘Cut Painting!’ at the former Aldo van Eyck Burgerweeshuis, BPD Kunstcollectie, Amsterdam.
Martijn Sandberg has made a selection of his own works – the cut paintings – for this exhibition, as well as works of art from the BPD Art Collection.

In his cut paintings, carved text images, a subtle play is made between the image language and the significance of the image, prompting questions.
In these works with titles such as ‘Cut the crap’, ‘Wasted paint and canvas’, ‘Sorry no image yet’ and ‘Ready for the dump’, Martijn Sandberg examines with humour the meaning of the artwork and the sense and nonsense of art and artistry in general.
At the same time he also plays with colour and material in his work. By choosing golden, white, black or even rusty metal, he influences the significance too.

When You See All These Works So Fine Do Not Forget To Look At Mine

Martijn Sandberg created the cut painting ‘When you see all these works so fine do not forget to look at mine’, especially for the BPD Art Collection.
In the exhibition ‘Cut Painting!’ the new piece joins his other cut paintings, as well as a selection of works from the BPD Art Collection.
Martijn Sandberg made a choice from the collection, and included a painting by Daan van Golden, Reinier Lucassen, Maarten Ploeg and an early work by René Daniëls. He based his selections on personal preference, associations with image and content, but also his own remembrance of artworks, now in the BPD Art Collection.

Click here for a pdf of text in English.
Click here for a pdf of text in Dutch.

More info: Cut Painting!, exhibition folder (in Dutch), A2-pdf.


‘Cut Painting!’ is the title of the online publication, published as a sequel to the eponymous exhibition. The publication comprehensively displays the exhibition, with photos and Martijn Sandberg’s notes on the cut paintings and his choices from the BPD Kunstcollectie.

Let yourself be guided through the story he has assembled from the cut paintings and the work by René Daniëls, Günther Foerg, Daan van Golden, Reinier Lucassen, Pieter Laurens Mol, Jan van Munster, Maarten Ploeg, Jan Roeland, Jan Schoonhoven and Han Schuil.

The digital publication (Dutch/English) may be downloaded here as a pdf:

BPD Martijn Sandberg Cut Painting.pdf

‘Cut Painting!’
Martijn Sandberg
April – November 2022
BPD Kunstcollectie, IJsbaanpad 1, Amsterdam (open by appointment)

Photos by: Adriaan van Dam, Peter Cuypers (5,6)

‘When You See’ (2022) Martijn Sandberg, ‘Tweeluik’ (1965) Daan van Golden.

‘Fresh From The Easel’, ‘Ready For The Dump’, diptych, Martijn Sandberg.

‘Zonder Titel’ (2004), Han Schuil, ‘Wit Reliëf’ (1965) Jan Schoonhoven.

‘Wit Reliëf’ (1965) Jan Schoonhoven, ‘Pity The Poor Artist’, Martijn Sandberg.

‘When You See’, Martijn Sandberg, cut painting, perforated aluminium, 100cm x 100cm x 2cm.

‘What Fun Canvas Done’, Martijn Sandberg, perforated aluminium, 100cm x 100cm x 2cm.

Cut paintings by Martijn Sandberg, perforated aluminium, each 100cm x 100cm.